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Kleen & Green Hydraulic Fluid - 55 Gallon

Mfr. Model #:
KR Part #:
500.00 lbs
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Glycol-based hydraulic fluid for the systems that keep your car wash in motion! Excellent force transfer. Additive package enhances lubricity and provides anti-wear, antioxidation, anti-corrosion and anti-foaming properties.
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Product Description

Water Based Glycol-Blend Hydraulic Fluid

Kleen-Rite's Kleen & Green hydraulic fluid features a glycol base derived as a byproduct of making biodiesel. The fluid is green in color, in order to differentiate it from other carwash water glycol fluids and to denote its eco-friendliness. The unique green color was deliberately chosen to differentiate Kleen & Green from the current carwash industry standard.

The fluid has a consistency of light syrup, a sweet amine odor, and if left open for extended periods of time; the water will evaporate increasing the viscosity. Except for color and odor the fluid has a consistency similar to mineral based hydraulic oil at normal room temperatures. As the temperature decreases mineral oil viscosity gets thicker and eventually will refuse to flow - however, Kleen & Green will continue to flow down to a -47° F!

As the temperature increases, mineral oil based fluid thins out where water based glycols remain more viscous. The water glycol fluid does not mix with oil and will not emulsify. Being heavier than oil the water glycol sinks and the oil floats. This feature allows recently converted systems to be fully purged of oils by the process of skimming.

In addition, even though Kleen & Green is a different formulation than standard water based carwash hydraulic fluids, it will readily mix with systems filled with older water glycol formulations. Therefore it can be used as a makeup fluid. Water glycol hydraulic fluids are usually a blend of three primary components; glycol, water, and an amine additive package. The glycol functions as the base component and provides the fluid viscosity and basic thermal characteristics. Purified water is used to control the viscosity of the fluid and to provide the fire resistance.

Environmental Impacts

Traditional hydraulic fluids are not only toxic but are essentially non-biodegradable. The environmental impact of fluid releases is considered as hazardous requiring HAZMAT reporting and in some cases HAZMAT call outs. Mineral oil based hydraulic fluids are damaging to waste water treatment processes if they reach effluent systems easily overwhelming the natural degradation process. If allowed to reach wetlands, streams and rivers, lakes or the ocean; it becomes a toxic threat to wildlife and the overall health of the ecosphere into which it is released. Traditional mineral oils, when released into the soil, can render the soil polluted and unusable. Remedial action often requires the exposed soil to be removed and incinerated.


  • Additive package blended into the fluid enhances lubricity
  • Features anti-wear, antioxidation, anti-corrosion and anti-foaming properties
  • Thanks to water based fluids' higher bulk modulus, force is transferred more effectively than with mineral based oils
  • Fluid's high water content able to transfer heat much better, resulting in higher operating efficiencies and a cooler running system.
  • Kleen & Green is classified as a "readily biodegradable" fluid, which means it will degrade by 60% within 28 days of release

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