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Pressure gauges are the perfect way to keep track of pressure levels in your pressurized system so you can make any necessary adjustments or repairs. We offer a wide range of low- and high-pressure gauges, with PSI options for readings ranging from 0-30 PSI through 0-5000 PSI.
We provide both dry and liquid-filled industrial pressure gauges. While both of these types can work across all applications, liquid-filled pressure gauges provide accurate readings even in high-vibration and high-pulsation situations. Liquid filled pressure gauges will also prevent excessive wear in these environments. We offer many sizes for a variety of uses with connecting ports of 1/8”, 3/8” and 1/4”. They can be panel-mounted, rear-mounted, or mounted at the base of the gauge depending on how you need it to be positioned.
These pressure gauges are the perfect choice for sensitive systems, systems with narrow pressure ranges, or for calibrating a system to start out. They can be used with a range of neutral media including air, oil, steam, and other liquids and gases that are compatible with the materials of the gauge, particularly brass and bronze. Check out our great selection from OCI Instruments, Hypro, Pressure Pro, and more!